Sunday, July 29, 2012

No. 6

Among the many variations on the theme of "what will happen after the end of the world," very little discussion about how it will shift the consciousness of people "after the accident." Usually the emphasis is on technology, on the confrontation with those less fortunate than locked in Eden elite, the actual survival in an unfriendly, filthy world ... Sometimes there are attempts to uncover the relationship between the "new people" or to show the structure of the new society. The game of utopia and dystopia ... But all this is boring, all this has ceased to be interesting. So things like "Zone No. 6" stand out is its originality.

Here at the center put the people - or rather, their inner world. And very well illustrates how change, as a broken heart, when the usual order is crumbling ... Compositionally, we have the confrontation of two systems: the hateful wild liberties with the city walls, where they live whores and street thieves, pimps and traffickers, where the dogs rather than lease space heaters, and the danger can lie in wait at every turn - and the city, with cruel orders, where dissidents eliminate (or placing in a correctional facility, or simply killing), as good citizens do not even know what's really going on.

Zion ... The boys, prodigy, the future genius, which is absolutely not interested in the value of the "elite" new world. He goes to a better school, a school for the elite, but it does not care. He may at any time "fall out of the reality" on the under the pressure of the wind rustling the trees in the rain or run out into the street and scream loudly, not caring that he could hear. It is absolutely natural, it does not suffer from doubts or regrets, he accepts the world as it really is. However, he still pure and innocent - well, an angel, naturally. But ... it is in the beginning. Then Zion changing and looking at it hurts. Hurt by the fact that the world is so bad. Absorbing all the evil in the world, writhing in pain and suffering, going crazy on that creating injustice around the ... He was at the end remains the same Zion, but it is visible, in fact, his soul is crippled, he was no angel, but not a demon, and not man. He - a symbol. Symbol of corruption and irregularities of the world ... Able to deform, even as a light heart.

Nezumi different. He was wild, like a young one. This savagery is always sitting in it and can "get out" at any time, and it is completely controlled by the man he hates the zone 6. Raging Avenger, he, like Hidden predator waits patiently for the case to eliminate the zone number 6 once and for all. And when such a case tucks, he laughs gleefully, anticipating the death of the inhabitants of the city. It is a cruel and merciless, it seems there is almost nothing human, but ... Zion was able to change it. Yes, it sounds corny, but the heart of even the most callous of the genus homo sapiens can melt an ordinary human warmth. What matters is that this attitude was sincere ...
The third angle of a triangle kind of relationship - Safa. Also genius, prodigy, too, too elite, living in six areas. It is up to the limit of rationalization, however, communication with Sion and the effect on her. Over time, it is less absurd like a hybrid of street urchins and electronic encyclopedias, over time it becomes more romantic, and Zion ... She loves him - and that says it all. Roughly speaking - he was from childhood to her very close friend, the best and only friend, and then a friendly feeling naturally grew into something more.

But ... Too little. Too few shows too little discussed about the other characters - a journalist, mother of Zion,  ... Fragments, fragments of feelings, emotions, memories, fantasies, illusions ... Mutilated mutilated souls against the world. And Zion, the Messiah, who wants to do everything right, but ... he can't.

Steins Gate

It is amazing what can create a conscientious approach to the usual eye pattern. Set the standard: the main male protagonist (1), A friend of the protagonist (1), A childhood friend of the protagonist (1), The girlfriend of the protagonist, tsundere (1), A girl in glasses (1 ), a girl withnekomimi (1), a transvestite boy (1) .

Of the same components we get a completely new product. In place of antisocial shy OYaShu comes asocial intellectual Rintaro, replaced by hysterical tsundere - cold-blooded Kuris, to replace the utopian Japanese school - utopian and inadequate home laboratory. And like in terms Mayuri has moe-hundreds of recognizable characters, and Kiryu is clearly recognized as yandere, but here the authors are no longer limited to the stereotypical bone: and there Mayushi, saving Rintaro, is no longer be helpless moe-fool, and Kiryu, in search of a place to work for settling Brown does not seem fixated sotsiopath. Feyris - two-dimensional, according to Daru, the soul! - Breaks the need to sacrifice their lives or father's girlfriend. The desire to become Rukako girl - it would seem, is too curious item for anime with a claim to a thriller - is supported by compelling arguments. Stencil breaks, and the characters are much deeper than typecasting, which are designed to match.

The same can be said about the plot. The polarity of the confrontation, "the protagonist and his team VS the world evil" is broken, the main character consistently in conflict with each negative case scenario, with the goal of the conflict is declared on a purely human laws: not in the name of goodness and justice, and to save this or that a loved one that does not necessarily lead to good and justice. 

The proverbial happy ending here - just a natural development of events once the main character at the disposal of an infinite number of possible time travel, it would be foolish to assume that he will not use it. Psychologically, all right, but from the perspective of the last series of art and do not reach the level of catharsis. But instead of the final catharsis "Steins; Gate" offers a tempting thing for at least 24-episode suspense of a good sci-fi

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san

Are you tired of touching lovely little animals, heroes almost impossible for the average mortal mission to save humanity, usually ordinary heroines, who, not knowing how to avoid mistakes in the formation of the first seven prime numbers, one day, led by a giant corporation, a recently deceased grandfather and charm beautifully beautiful princes, schools, etc.? Then you come it's time to see the mystical black comedy "Appear, Azazel," as none of the above is not there.

Indications for use. First of all, this anime appeal to those who could stoically withstand the toilet humor, which is one of the main representatives of his story flora (in my opinion, is the main factor in view of the repulsive in the case of «Yondemasuyo, Azazel-san»). But if you make this small feat, and inspection of the audience until the end of the anime, you will realize that there is in it and "bright" side, one of which is may not be brought to perfection, but sparkling black humor, forcing you to close your eyes to some humorous blank shots authors. Second, it is perfect for those who like the unusual and colorful characters Valais. It is difficult to expect something different from the anime, actors who are demonology, the brightest representatives of hell and paradise of fauna, as well as people with different deviations. Due to this, it becomes even a kind of romantic absurdity of plaque, which also can neither bring. Third, it is necessary to view for those who want to relax and to taste some of their free evenings and relax from the routine of working and training of the first half of the day.

«Yondemasuyo, Azazel-san» anime really is, which can subdue and fall in love at first sight. It has no pretensions to intellectuality and the presence of deep meaning, but there is humor and characters, forcing to smile and laugh at their silly antics, foibles, or situations in which they fall. And another 13 episodes and one OVA is not enough!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Blue Gender

The beginning of the story does not shine with originality. Simple Japanese guy (though not student) finds a illness and decides to go to  cryo sleep until humanity finds a way of treatment. The door into  summer, but is not a bright future. Absolutely. The guy wakes up and sees around soldiers and giant beetles battling with them. Immediately catches the eye first absurd - why the pilot is not protected, even banal glass? I'm trying to count how many pilots have died because of this oversight and it was boring.
I admired the ruthlessness of the series. There is a war of annihilation, and people are dying like flies, and much more banal or ridiculous than heroic. Looking at such a war on the streets with little balls on the roadsides, it is truly frightening. Especially in this plan is successful the first part of the series. There is no intrigue and strategy, but there is a remarkable character. The soldiers are accustomed to live, fight and die, without the slightest hope of victory, the people trying to survive on a planet that no longer belongs to them, and the stranger from the past trying to live according to moral principles irrevocably gone around the world. Upon reaching the "Second Earth", the characters are not so interesting, but there is more intrigue: "What is sleeping? and what is their value? ".

Unfortunately, the schedule of the show makes us doubt that he was released in April 2000, at times, it seems that he is much older. Yes, and "skins" in the film, in contrast to other models of the cycles do not look so impressive, so fans of brilliant military equipment and other "Nirvashey \ Lancelot" will be disappointed, not noticing that, denying technique, in general, and it is not desired gloss and shine the authors gave in return a lot of useful information. For example, the conditions in which, apparently, and created a similar type of weapon or a scene in which soldiers are repairing these "skins" with the most common wrenches.

There is also a positive side. is, first of all, characters.
Our hero did not limp, do not fall into a stupor (more than would the average person), listen to reasonable arguments, and shakes itself into their heads. Normal, appropriate person.
The main heroine. I very much sympathize with the heroine. A typical screw in war system. It even has its own number, the forgotten, and called in the name, only in rare cases (in particular, when they want to use for comfort).
Minor also did not let us down, their characters become clear to us, though, and outlined just a couple of strokes.

Toward the end, the story turns into an average, in all respects, space fiction. But this fantasy, I would say classic.

So if you take the time to watch good fantastic anime and do not mind the abundance of still frames and irrationality in the plot 'Blue Gender' is for you.


This blog will be a review of the anime and visual novels, which I find interesting. Also it will help me improve my English, so if you see the stupidity must write about it in the comments!